NGFS-GRASFI-INSPIRE exchange – Climate Risk and Financial Stability in the Network of Banks and Investment Funds
NGFS-GRASFI-INSPIRE exchange – Climate Risk and Financial Stability in the Network of Banks and Investment Funds
Serafín Martínez Jaramillo (Banco de México) will present the paper “Climate Risk and Financial Stability in the Network of Banks and Investment Funds” co-authored with Alan Roncoroni (University of Zurich), Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich; Ca Foscari University of Venice), Luis Onésimo Leonardo Escobar Farfàn (Banco de Mexico).
The NGFS-GRASFI-INSPIRE exchange is designed to strengthen the connection, collaboration and research exchange between the central bankers, financial supervisors and the academic community to share and explore new and innovative research that advances the agenda on greening the financial system. New editions occur monthly and are co-organised by the NGFS Secretariat, INSPIRE and GRASFI (the NGFS’ two designated global research stakeholders). This 7th edition is hosted by the NGFS