Banking regulations are known to have substantial leverage on the real economy for the simple reason that finance permeates everywhere. By the same token, they are a suitable instrument for improving the preparedness of the real economy for climate change. We convene a working group of prominent practitioners from among the collectivity of bank supervisors and regulators in the Americas, along with recognised experts in the field in order to review the state of practice regarding the incorporation of climate change into micro prudential regulatory frameworks.
For purposes of ordering the discussion, existing and potential practices will be grouped into four categories:
- Those where the authorities provide finance by instruction.
- Those where the authorities provide incentives for desired types of finance.
- Those where the authorities reduce financial risk by socialising potential losses by means of insurance, direct payments, or exceptional access to citizens’ own assets.
- Those where systems are set up to prevent, contain, and abate negative externalities.
To assist the working group’s deliberations, we will provide reference documents on existing practices, as well as on plausible modifications in existing regulations that can have important positive impacts for climate change and adaptation. The working group will also be asked to discuss the feasibility of specific innovations for making regulations more climate-friendly, and to review potential obstacles, barriers, and resistance to the implementation of such potential change. The document emerging from the working group’s deliberations will provide policy recommendations and, where appropriate, a further research agenda.
Working Group members:
- Evasio Asencio, Commissioner Owner, Comisión Nacional de Banca y Seguros, Honduras.
- Carolina Benavides-Piaggio, Senior Capacity Development Officer, FMO, The Netherlands.
- Keron Burrell, Head Methods, Analysis and Quality Review Department Bank of Jamaica.
- Ethel Deras, President Comisión Nacional de Banca y Seguros, Honduras.
- Rafael Del Villar Alrich, Advisor to the Governor Banco de México.
- Alan Elizondo, Director General, FIRA Mexico.
- Mariana Escobar, Head Sustainable Finance Group, Superfinanciera Colombia.
- Daniel Gomez Santeli, Risk Manager, Comisión Nacional de Banca y Seguros, Honduras.
- Kemar Hall, Assistant Director (Acting) Policy, Research, Methodology, and Development Department Bank of Jamaica.
- Patricia Moles, Advisor, Banco de México.
- Sheriffa Monroe, Director Policy, Research, Methodology, and Development Department Bank of Jamaica.
- Carlos Alberto Moya, Consultant
- Carmen Navarro, Senior Social and Environmental Officer, FMO, The Netherlands
- Ángel Odogherty Madrazo, Co-General Director Sector Intelligence, FIRA, Mexico
- Pascual O’Dogherty, Secretary-General, Association of Banking Supervisors of the Americas, Mexico
- Daniel Schydlowsky, Boston University Global Development Policy Center, USA
- Guilherme Teixeira, Manager Sustainable Finance, SITAWI Finanças do Bem, Brazil